Hometown Wanderlust: Saturday Morning
Hometown Wanderlust is an adventurous, weekly blog featuring one girl’s experiences with food, music, shopping, history, art and life in general around Dublin GA. This week, Dublin GA’s favorite redhead discovers activities to fill a Saturday morning!
Good Morning!
There’s something about that feeling of not having to set an alarm clock for work. We all know that feeling, whatever day it may fall on it’s magical! Though, this is not one of those mornings.
I had already determined to fill the upcoming work free Saturday morning with as many activities mini-me and I could find and take full advantage of a beautiful day off so the alarm was set, albeit not quite as early as usual.
Yoga with Megan at Clark’s Health Club is the first stop on what is turning into a glorious day. The sun is already bright in the blue sky overhead burning away the early morning tufts of clouds that settled in the early morning hours. I haven’t made it to yoga class in a while due to a minor injury and am particularly excited. Participants trickle in, their long work week at an end, ready for relaxation and revitalization. Practice commences. I’ll spare the details as the experience is different for each individual but… I left invigorated and spirited.
Drinks in hand we head to the Market on Madison. An enchanting breeze refreshes the vendors set up on either side, wares spread before them. We browse baskets, fruits and veggies, eggs and honey baked goods and lotions…each vendor takes time to explain uses, recipes, and provide samples to us as we pass their quaint setups. I step back and let the conversation flow towards the younger one, these are life skills. So many packed into one short conversation after another one. Each person patiently explained their craft, their art, teaching and enlightening. Just by sharing even the mundane such as their hobby or living.
I’m touched by the patience and enthusiasm I’ve encountered on this day and determined to carry that with me. It’s easily forgettable, easy to overlook but such strong, overwhelming contributions. What qualities we have that are simply parts of our being but once shared become beautiful, sparkling gifts.
Keep up with what to do weekly in Dublin GA. Visit Top Reasons!
This week’s Hometown Wanderlust is in honor of a life lived, loved, and shared.