There really isn’t a better time of year. Friends and family planning events together, delicious meals, jovial nights sipping, rare occasions of snow flurries (thanks central Georgia) presents…giving and receiving. Memories of holidays, especially Christmas generally begin FAR back into our childhoods, when the holidays were all about us and making each moment as magical as possible.

Long Leaf Way
I personally, came from a very low income, single parent family and for us, just as for any family, Christmas was what mom could make it on her budget. That meant some of MY fondest Christmas memories were simply riding around admiring the bright lights my neighbors strung along the exterior of their homes.

Dunwoody Drive
When you set out on a Christmas light-searching adventure, as mini-me and I have done yet again this year, you hope for nothing less than rows and rows and streets and streets of sparkling, blinking, colorful, dancing, glistening lights. As is true any time of year, expectation is sometimes much different than reality. Dreams aside, reality is all we have. Shouldn’t we make the best of it?

Vinteaques Tea Room, Bellevue Avenue
We ride several streets, through a couple neighborhoods, and stumbled across a several incredible displays. The excited ooohs and aaahs in response were more than satisfying and reminiscent of my own childhood wonder. A few other displays are smaller with only a strand here or there but the tiny sparkles still valiantly piercing the dark, no less full of heart and joy than the biggest and most extravagant.

Heritage House, Bellevue Avenue
Unfortunately, there are always long stretches lacking any kind of sparkles or twinkles or Christmas cheer…EXCEPT the sing-a-long inside the car to the carols on the radio that have been forced upon us since immediately after Thanksgiving or the excited chatter about the favorite part of the last display or the anticipation of what might just be up around the next corner…
Tis the Season
So here’s to the glitz and glam of thousands of twinkling lights.

Camelot Drive
Here’s to the dad that has been working on the perfect display every night after work.
Here’s to the business owner that thought ahead in such a busy season to show us his festive side.
Here’s to the single mom that hardly has enough time to toss a few strands over the unruly front bushes.

Brookwood Drive
Here’s to the elderly couple that still hangs the family wreath from the front door.
And here’s to us and OUR reality and every moment we make a sparkling memory, small and tender to adults, yet grand and vibrant in the memories of children. These are the moments we’re shaping their reality.
While out on your Christmas light explorations be sure to let us know your favorite spots for lights, and have a Merry Christmas!

Brookdale Drive